Friday, October 23, 2009

Jungle Dogs

Salisbury, G. (1998). Jungle Dogs. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers.

· Plot Summary
James "Boy" Kahekilimaikalani Regis lives in Hawaii, a place usually synonymous with beauty. In this novel, Boy reveals the uglier side of island life, with wild dogs that roam looking for food, gang violence in which his brother (Damon) is involved, and elements remaining from the island's bombing during World War II. When Boy's teacher, Ms.Chang, gives the students a report to do on someone they admire, Boy writes his essay on the deceased family dog. As it turns out, there was never such an animal, and it was merely a tale Boy created in order to combat his fear of the dogs that he encounters in the jungles. Eventually, Boy learns that people simply fear that which they don't understand, and he hopes to use this knowledge to convince Damon to make peace with his rival.

· Critical Evaluation
This novel shows a grittier side to an area that traditionally is only framed as a place of wild beauty. The characterizations are solid, and while the events are not remarkable, the two in combination make for an entertaining story.

· Reader’s Annotation
A rather simple read, but with a hopeful message. Boy's fear of the dogs serves as a helpful reminder that even tween boys can have fears that the rest of us may not understand.

· Information about the author
Graham Salisbury grew up on Oahu, and is a descendant of some of Hawaii's first missionaries. He lives in Portland, Oregon with his family, and manages an historic office building. He's won several awards for his novels, including ALA Best Book for Young adults award, a Parent's Choice Silver Honor Book award, and a PEN/Norma Klein Award.

· Genre

· Curriculum Ties

· Booktalking Ideas
WWII aftermath and its effect on Hawaiians
Overcoming fears through better understanding.
Results of gang violence on native communities.

· Reading Level/Interest Age
Grades 4-6; Ages 9-11

· Why did you include this book in the titles you selected?
I chose this novel because so many of my titles were suitable only for older tweens, and this one seemed to have a positive message without much of cumbersome weight that accompanied the other books.